Confluence: Stream Science, Handwriting, and Urban Curbs, is a mile-long poem about water, land, and how stories orient us to the places we inhabit. It was installed in Reno, Nevada in September, 2023 and will be in place for a year. The poem starts at Idlewild Park and ends at City Hall, with several tributary lines between. For more on the nine-year research process, see my BLOG posts and the Confluence Drawings page.
Download the first Riverwalk section HERE; we’d love to know your responses.
We are now fundraising for a book version of the project, to be published by the University of Nevada Press; click HERE to make a contribution, or let us know you’d like a copy.
And thank you to our funders: City of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, MultiCam, Landmark Grafix, Ograda Co, and many individuals. Thank you!

Installing the project took fourteen days over three weeks. Mahedi Anjuman, Ashley Brock, Ashley Frost, Benjamin Kincaid and myself worked section by section placing the lettering on the pathways.

Each nine-foot long strip had a code and number to locate its place in the sequence. Altogether there were almost six-hundred strips totaling more than a mile of text.

Ashley and Ben install a section along Virginia Street
The seasons change the look of the work. We’ll add more photos as the months go by.